Sorry If I Call You Amore

Original Title: Scusa Ma Ti Chiamo Amore

Author: Federico Moccia

First part of a story written in two parts, aimed for a teenage/YA audience with a crossover potential.

Niki is a mature and responsible young woman who is in her senior year at High School. Alessandro is a successful publicist of 37 years who has  just been left by his girlfriend of a lifetime. Despite their 20 years of difference and the generation gap that separates them, Niki and Alessandro fall in love madly and live a passionate love story against all conventions and social prejudices.

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Original Language

ITALIAN | Rizzoli

Translation Rights

CATALAN | Columna
FRENCH | Calmann-Lévy **rights available again
FRENCH (ppbk) | Livre de Poche
GERMAN | Ullstein Verlag **rights available again
PORTUGUESE (Brazil) | Planeta Brazil **rights available again
PORTUGUESE (Portugal) | Edições Contraponto
POLISH | Empik/Virtualo
ROMANIAN | Bestseller Publishing
SPANISH | Planeta

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