Sea of Stars

Original Title: Pluja d'estels

Publication: 2020

Author: Laia Aguilar

A group of friends. A house by the sea. A starry night and an unresolved past.

A group of friends meet five years after a tragic accident at a house in Cap de Creus, an idyllic seaside enclave, with the excuse of watching a meteor shower.

They enjoy the reunion and share secrets, but jealousies also flourish, and an old love story and still-smoldering sentiments unearth an issue from the past that had been left unresolved.

None of them can imagine how the night will end. A night that might have one more surprise in store.

“She couldn’t say if it was because Nis had asked her or because she had let herself be dragged along. But she had come. It was two weeks ago. With two suitcases and an uncertain future, following the steps of the man who had seduced her. ‘We’ll be happy there, Olivia, we’ll be good. Trust me,’ Nis had repeated into her ear.”

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Original Language

CATALAN | Destino


Winner of the 2020 Josep Pla Award

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