Other Mothers

Original Title: Les altres mares

Publication: 2022

Author: Laia Aguilar

Emma is eight months pregnant when she must face the unexpected loss of her child. She had everything reading: the child's nursery, his clothing and toys... and all the excitement in the world.

Jhanet has been raised in Bolivia by her grandmother while her mother emigrated to Europe to work in domestic service and housekeeping. Now, at 15, Jhanet decides to leave Bolivia and cross the ocean to find her mother whom she desperately needs but barely knows.

Natalka feels unsteady in Ukraine, without close family members. She is trapped in an abusive relationship with a violent man who makes her agree to be a surrogate mother, even though she isn't convinced. She will have to deliver the baby to an Irish couple right after she gives birth.

These are the protagonists of Other Mothers, an illuminating story about women who live on the margins of motherhood: the other mothers, the non-mothers, the misunderstood mothers. Three impressive stories full of hope that will intertwine and end up sharing a common fate.

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Original Language

CATALAN | Columna

Translation Rights

ARABIC | Al Arabi Publishing
SPANISH | Destino

Other Books