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(Estate of) Isabel-Clara Simó

Isabel-Clara Simó (Alcoi, 1943 - Barcelona, 2020) was a writer and journalist. She was one of the most important and widely-read contemporary authors in the Catalan language. Throughout her career, she received many prestigious awards (Premi Sant Jordi, Premi de la Crítica Serra d’Or, Premi de la Crítica dels Escriptors Valencians on four occasions, Premi Andròmina for fiction, Premi Trajectòria de la Setmana del Llibre en Català, the Golden Medal of the City council of Alcoi, Premi Jaume Fuster, among others). In 2017 she was awarded the Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes. She published almost seventy books across all genres: fiction, short fiction, young adult fiction, drama, poetry, scripts, essays, and memoir. Her works continue to be reissued in print and are successful long-sellers. Many of her works are widely recognized by the general public, especially her novels and short fiction: Dones (Women, 1997), La salvatge (The Wild One, 1994), Júlia (1983), El meu germà Pol (My Brother Pol, 2007), Raquel (1992), La vida sense ell (Life Without Him, 2000), L’amant de Picasso (Picasso’s Lover, 2015), and the posthumous novel El teu gust (Your Taste, 2020).
