Donica Merhazion

Donica Merhazion was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1979 under unimaginable circumstances- in an Ethiopian prison called Alem Bekagn translated into 'end of the World.' A former journalist and now teacher, Donica currently lives in Nairobi, Kenya, with her family. She has also called Eritrea, Zambia and the United States her home. Donica holds a BA in Journalism from the University of Asmara and a MA in General and Special Education from the University of Maryland. Her passion for storytelling drives all aspects of her life, especially when she teaches. She uses stories to make connections with her students as she encourages their love of reading and writing and constantly strives to instill in them confidence in their own worth and potential. When she is not delving into the latest effective instructional strategies, she can be found hiding in her favorite quiet spots and writing.
