Aram's Notebook

Original Title: Quadern d'Aram

Publication: 1997

Author: (Estate of) Maria Àngels Anglada

With a deft and insightful eye, Anglada evoked the Jewish Holocaust in her much-lauded 1994 novel A Violin in Auschwitz. With the same mastery she sheds light on the Armenian genocide, exploring the oft-ignored massacres through a deeply affecting, oftentimes shocking tale.

Like any other fifteen-year-old boy, Aram might never have written the events of his still young life, except that he found himself suddenly plunged into exile, fleeing certain death. In 1915, the Ottoman authorities undertook the wholesale extermination of the Armenian people; hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children like Aram suffered one of the twentieth century’s most savage persecutions. Inspired by the plight of the murdered modernist poet Daniel Varoujan (1884–1915), this novel follows Aram and his widowed mother on their flight toward a new life on—and under—the sea. From recollections of his father’s meditations on Homer to a life-changing apprenticeship as a coral fisherman off the coasts of Cataluña and Marseille, Aram’s tale dives into a future that might help redeem a harrowing past. Aram’s Notebook examines the Armenian Genocide through a narrative in which poets and poetry loom large. Aram’s tale evokes a struggle not simply for physical survival, but for saving memory from the clutches of destruction.

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Original Language

CATALAN | Columna

Translation Rights

DUTCH | De Geus **rights available again
ENGLISH (World) | Swan Isle Press
FRENCH | Stock
GREEK | Konidaris **rights available again
ITALIAN | Angelica Editore **rights available again
SPANISH | Planeta
ROMANIAN | Meteor Press

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