Carolina, a young and promising publicist from Lima, finds herself caught in a moral dilemma that will confront her with her most intimate desires. The agency she works for must design the presidential campaign for Forjemos, a party that contributed to her father's economic collapse in the past. To further complicate matters, Carolina falls in love with Mauro Bianchi, a much older former minister known for being corrupt and a womanizer. Drawn in by the erotic enchantment of politics, the protagonist embarks on an adventure that puts both her professional and personal life at risk.
Chiara Roggero has skillfully used a casual narrative style to infuse agility, intensity, and grace into a plot that delves into the murky alliance often formed between advertising and politics. Cravings thus reveals itself as an immersive novel about the power of seduction and the seductiveness of power.
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SPANISH (World) | Plaza&Janés/PRH Perú
"With a relaxed and quick-witted style, Chiara Roggero presents Los antojos (Cravings) her first novel inspired by a political campaign for a former president of Peru, in which she participated as a publicist and where she observed in the smallest detail that power is not only associated with politics and money." Diario Correo